PodcastS01E02 – B*ll*cks to Brexit! This week, I talked to Charlie Mullins OBE. He is the founder of Pimlico Plumbers, a former Tory… Stefan11 October 2018
Emmanuel Macron media Podcast PoliticsEpisode 30 – Moralisation and Muddy Waters In their first week, the Government is already involved in two potential scandals. Once again the French media… Stefan28 May 2017
PodcastEpisode 38 – Where’s Marine? Where is Marine? And what’s going on with the Front national? We also take a closer look at… Stefan25 November 2017
education Podcast PoliticsEpisode 37 – A Presidential Poem Many women and some men, around the world have added their voices to a wave of complaints about… Stefan3 November 2017