Dark Licht

booksKicking against the political establishment is a normal tradition in most democracies. But in the United States there’s only Michael Moore. His book Stupid White Men was ment to be released on September 12, 2001, but its contents was so explosive that the publisher decided to keep the 50,000 copies in stock. However, through the Internet this fact became known and the publisher was put under pressure to release Stupid White Men anyway. The book reveals a lot of interesting facts of how Bush Jr. ‘stole’ the 2000 elections, and more. It is sometimes a little bit annoying, but that’s apparantly the price to pay when you reveal things about this ever fascinating country…

His film Bowling for Columbine is currently a big hit in Europe and the USA.
UPDATE Feb. 25:
Stupid White Men won the Book of the Year 2003 Award at the British Book Awards, beating Roy Keane’s bestselling autobiography, one of the fancied favourites, as well as Booker winner, Life of Pi, and Ian McEwan’s Atonement.
This same weekend Moore also won the César for Best Foreign Film.

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