Dark Light

The Importance of Being Earnest (FR/UK/USA 97′) Dir.: Oliver Parker With: Rupert Everett, Colin Firth, Judi Dench, Reese Witherspoon | My rating: 3 stars | Official Site |

earnest-2Two British gentlemen divide their time between the high life in the city and the calm of the countryside. There is only one problem: they both use the name Earnest, and they have a lot to explain when their objects of desire (two fancy ladies) discover their real identities.

Although a nice film, with some witty lines (a hat tip to Mr. Wilde), I was not charmed by the cold actors. Reese Witherspoon’s British accent is convincing, but she can’t hide her All American looks And could somebody please explain me why everybody thinks Judy Dench is such a good actress? I seem to be missing the point. The title comes from the last line, “I’ve now realized for the first time in my life the vital importance of being earnest”.  “Earnest” being a vernacular term for “gay” in 1895, the year the play was written. About the same time Oscar Wilde was arrested and put on trial for gross indecency with other men. After two more trials he was convicted and imprisoned for two years’ hard labour.

Buy the DVD of The Importance of Being Earnest

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