Dark Licht

USA 2002 (135′)- Dir.: Spike Lee. With Edward Norton, Barry Pepper, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rosario Dawson. My rating: 3 stars | Official site

Montgomery Brogan (Edward Norton) has to go to jail, because he is a drugs dealer. And the film focuses on his last day in the ‘free world’. Monty thinks he got betrayed by his grilfriend, Naturelle (Rosario Dawson), and he has to say goodbye to daddy and to his two best friends. He is an Irish guy lives with a Portorican girlfriend… How’s that for a multi-cultural society, where Indian cabdrivers are considered terrorists in training and corrupt cops are, of course, white? The story (is there a story, or is it an attempt to tell a story?) goes on and on and on, and nothing really happens. We see people in a city of pain, where the WTC attack is still omnipresent. Why should does Spike Lee show this pain with a pompous soundtrack? When the 25th hour really looks like this, I am glad a day has only 24 hours…
Interestingly enough produced by Tobey Maguire (Spiderman).

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